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Animal Care Centers of NY: Community Kids

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  5. Animal Care Centers of NY: Community Kids
326 East 110th St, New York, New York, United States 10029
2336 Linden Blvd, Brooklyn, New York, United States 11208
3139 Veterans Road West, New York, United States 10309

Community Kids at ACC NY is a great way for students under the age of 18 to get involved!

Kids can help ACC in our mission to end animal homelessness in NYC by helping to spread information about pet guardianship and adoption awareness! Below some different ways that you can share your talents and experiences to make our community a better place for pets.

The program runs out of the following locations:

Manhattan Animal Care Center
326 East 110th Street 
New York, NY 10029

Brooklyn Animal Care Center
2336 Linden Boulevard
Brooklyn, NY 11208​

Staten Island Care Center
3139 Veterans Road West
Staten Island, NY 10309

To learn more, email and put Community Kids in the subject line.

Contact Information