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Jewish Youth Climate Movement at Adamah

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  5. Jewish Youth Climate Movement at Adamah
United States

Today, we have 36 national board members, over 50 JYCM Kvutzot (local chapters) across the country, over 250 individual members, and an ever-growing national network of teens and Jewish communities plugging into this work. You can learn more about our work here!

We are planning all kinds of exciting regional in-person programs, events, workshops, potentially overnight gatherings, and more, for our Kvutzot and members this coming year. We are scaling nationally, which means Kvutzah members will have more opportunities to engage in and attend national conferences, gatherings, and retreats we run, or run with partners.

By bringing JYCM to your Mitzvah Project, you can encourage other students to join and lead a Kvutzah. It is a great mitzvah for you to take the initiative to lead a Kvutzah, create a long-term partnership, and grow involvement at your synagogue as JYCM invites all 7-12th graders. With your peers (and clergy if want) you will have access to a robust curriculum and resource bank for starting eco-centric projects at your synagogue, be a part of a large network of young Jews around the country, have the opportunity to attend JYCM events and panels, and take part in training programs & leadership development opportunities.

Find your local region HERE

Contact Information
Phone: 212.644.2332