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Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association (DNDA)

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  5. Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association (DNDA)
4408 Delridge Way SW, Seattle, Washington state, United States 98106

Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association (DNDA) is a non‐profit organization devoted to social, racial and environmental justice. We are dedicated to preserving and increasing affordable housing for a range of incomes, enhancing the natural environment, and providing such vital resources as arts and cultural opportunities, education and youth programs for our neighbors. Our programs for affordable housing and wetland restoration have become models for other communities. 

The volunteers who work to support our mission, values, history and commitment to social justice are the strength of the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association (DNDA). We seek to continuously provide a supportive, friendly and enriching environment to welcome and expand every volunteer’s range of talents. We believe that volunteers should come ready to engage in new experiences to help build and sustain a dynamic Delridge.

There are new opportunities every month. Stay up to date with the online calendar.


Contact Information
Phone: 206-935-2999