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Karsh Center at Wilshire Boulevard Temple
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- Karsh Center at Wilshire Boulevard Temple
Located in one of Los Angeles’s most dense, diverse, and economically challenged neighborhoods,
the Karsh Center offers multiple services under one roof. At the Karsh Center, clients can access
healthy and nutritious groceries, clothing vouchers, baby supplies, dental care, vision care, mental health services, pro bono legal services, grief support, and other resources.
COVID Protocols
Contact the Karsh Center ahead of time and provide them with the names of all individuals volunteering. Take your temperature before arriving to volunteer. If you are not feeling well, please reschedule volunteering at the Karsh Center. Your temperature will be taken again when you arrive and you will be issued an ID card. Please wear a mask at all times, and maintain social distancing when possible.
Chaperone Presence
Signed waiver required by parent or guardian.
What will I be doing?
First, submit a volunteer application and volunteer waiver (which are signed by a parent or guardian). Then sign up for a general volunteer orientation and info session; the dates and times for these are on Karsh Center's website.
Karsh Center always needs volunteers and has many ways you can help! You can sort essential goods, prepare diaper bags, sort produce, or prepare grocery bags; there are many options for volunteer service!
Coordinator Name
Noah DiAntonio