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Love for Our Elders

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  5. Love for Our Elders
United States

Our mission is to alleviate social isolation among older adults through handwritten letters and intergenerational connections.

Everyone deserves a mailbox full of love letters, and we’re on a mission to make that happen– we’ve sent 500,000 letters of love around the world. So take a few minutes, sit down, and write a letter. Tell them about yourself, maybe share a joke or a riddle and let them know that they are loved.

It might feel difficult at first to be writing to someone you don’t know. Our advice: just pretend like it’s a conversation! What kinds of things would you want to talk about with a stranger?

Read elder bios written by the person who nominated them and choose which elder(s) you’d like to write. All letters should be stamped and mailed with love by the end of each month. We post new elders who want mail from you on the 1st of every month.

Our Guidelines:
1. Letters must be legible (large print), handwritten, and include no glitter. No worries if you’re not artistic– make your card as what you’d like to receive.

2. Avoid religion, if possible. Your letter should resonate with anyone.

3. Embrace creativity! Recipients love it when the letters are personal. We encourage you to make your letters colorful and fun– photos, crosswords, and drawings are great!

4. Be kind & thoughtful. You can include a return address, but please do not expect a letter back. We want to ensure recipients aren’t burdened by feeling obligated or unable to respond.

We’re thrilled you’ve joined our letter-writing mission. Do more good by sharing your letter on social media and make sure to mark your calendar for our holiday Letter to an Elder Day on February 26th. #lettertoanelderday

All information about how to and where to send the letters are on our website:

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