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Breast Cancer Angels

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  5. Breast Cancer Angels
Los Alamitos, California, United States 90720

The mission of Breast Cancer Angels is to provide financial and emotional assistance for women and their families as they are going through breast cancer treatment. (We have also assisted men.)

We assist in Orange County, Long Beach/South Bay, and San Diego. We also do one-time emergency assistance in the Inland Empire and Los Angeles.

Orange County’s Breast Cancer Angels need your help. There’s no way we could help others without the incredible support of our volunteers and contributors. We’re always on the lookout for volunteers to help us organize events, participate and spread the word.

What’s more, we are always in need of additional services for our clients, so feel free to contact us with information on how you and/or your company can help!

We are currently in need of:

  • Fundraisers and parties
  • Golf Tournament Fundraisers
  • Drivers to take our patients to their appointments
  • Babysitters for our clients’ children
  • Delivery services for gifts, holiday meals and more
  • Office assistance
  • Community outreach
  • Corporate sponsorship and monthly donors
  • Photographers, musicians and DJs

Contact Debbie Stroman to get involved


Contact Information
Phone: 714-898-8900