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  5. PeacePlayers
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Los Angeles, California, United States

PeacePlayers a nonprofit that works with youth in divided communities or communities of conflict to create change through the sport of basketball. We have operations throughout Israel, South Africa, Northern Ireland, and five of the most marginalized cities in the United States (Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Brooklyn) where we provide underprivileged youth with opportunities for peace education, leadership development, career growth, and play. Through these experiences, we enable participants to become agents for change and peace in their communities.

PeacePlayer has partnered with dozens of students completing their B'nai Mitzvah projects in the past, particularly through our site in Israel, which has been a transformative opportunity for Jewish youth to connect with their roots and heritage. But no matter where a student chooses to volunteer, it is a great opportunity for Jewish youth to connect to communities in need and grow in their values, work towards a peaceful world, and transition into adulthood.

Read our booklet about mitzvah projects HERE

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Contact Information
Phone: 216-376-9217