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Seeds of Hope

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  5. Seeds of Hope
840 Echo Park Ave, Los Angeles, California, United States 90026

Seeds of Hope is a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles which seeks to cultivate wellness in our communities. We provide garden-based nutrition education and practical cooking instruction to help our friends and neighbors live healthier. We also work with congregations, communities, and schools, to transform unused land into productive gardens and orchards to provide healthy and fresh food in areas of need across the county.

In our work, we look to create, promote, and sustain urban farms, food recovery, gardens, and garden-based programs throughout the Diocese of Los Angeles to nurture the physical as well as spiritual wellness of individuals and communities. We focus on a diocese-wide approach to food production, distribution, and preparation, in so doing, we are able to benefit the hungry and undernourished in our churches and within our broader communities.

Seeds of Hope's mission is to seek food justice - equal, affordable access to healthy, nutritious food - currently, this is not the reality in Los Angeles.

Interested in volunteering with Seeds of Hope? We've got multiple sites and projects for you to get involved with!

Fill out our volunteer form and we will be in touch with you.

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