Lake Worth Burrito Project

Volunteer with the Lake Worth Burrito Project

Every Saturday 9:30 AM 
We meet at the Common Ground Church to feed the homeless.
We provide burritos, sandwiches, snacks and fruit.
1201 S. Federal Hwy, Lake Worth, FL 33460

Every Wednesday 11:30 AM
We meet at the Common Ground Church to feed the homeless.
We provide a full lunch with salad, a hot meal, and dessert.
1201 S. Federal Hwy, Lake Worth, FL 33460

Every Thursday 9:30 AM
We meet at the Common Ground Church to feed the homeless.
We provide a full hot breakfast as well as showers and laundry facilities.
1201 S. Federal Hwy, Lake Worth, FL 33460

We gather every Saturday morning at Common Ground Church to prepare burritos and sort clothes to share with our homeless friends. No burrito skills necessary – we provide on the job training! We roll burritos and make sandwiches on site and then share some good food, some clean clothes, some laughs, some tears, and a Bible study with whomever wants to listen.

We’d also love for you to join us on for our events on Wednesdays and Thursdays! Individuals and families are welcome any of the days we meet to serve. If you can’t make it on a Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday morning but still want to help, we can always use men’s and women’s clothing, socks, towels, and blankets and jackets during cold spells. 

Questions about Volunteering?
Contact Randy Lewis at (561) 267-9692 or

Volunteer Release from Liability Waiver

The Lord’s Place

The Lord’s Place is dedicated to breaking the cycle of homelessness by providing innovative, compassionate, and effective services to men, women, and children in our community.

The projects we have available for people under the age of 18 are donation drives, where the kids collect items such as non-perishable foods, package them, and bring them to one of our facilities for distribution. Jasper Araujo is the point of contact for all volunteer services and can be reached at 561-537-4676 or

Project Linus – NYC

Project Linus provides handmade blankets to children 0-18 in the United States who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need.

With chapters in every state, our blankets are distributed locally. Find the closest chapter to you and make contact.

You can make a real difference in so many ways by donating monetarily to Project Linus. We are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.

Local volunteers help fulfill our mission. See how you can help in your area, including becoming a Chapter Coordinator if a chapter is not close by.

Check out blanket patterns you can make HERE including NO-SEW blankets for any age.

Contact Lonnie Hardy to find ways to drop off your creations to children in need.



Project Linus – Burbank, Glendale, San Fernando & San Gabriel Valleys

We make new washable blankets for critically ill and traumatized children 0 to 18 years of age.

Please visit our chapter web site for all the places we serve plus the answer to many frequently asked questions FAQ.

If you are quilting, please use all new cotton fabric (no blends or upholstery fabric), batting can be cotton, polyester, or a blend. If you are knitting or crochet, please use new washable acrylic yarn (no wool) and patterns that are tightly woven.  We take all sizes and child friendly patterns, approximately 45” by 50” is our most needed size and for teenagers please make lap or twin size blankets.  Even for infants – I ask for 36” by 36” or larger.

Many blanketeers make blankets at home and then contact me for pick up or delivery.  We also have blanket making days where you can get together with others – each working on their own blanket for Linus.  Please check our calendar page on the web site for future dates and locations. You can mail blankets to the address listed in the next paragraph.

We welcome donations of new cotton fabric, batting, thread, new acrylic yarn, or a gift certificate to JoAnn’s or your favorite quilt or yarn shop. Monetary donations should be made out to Project Linus and mailed to 14025 Gilmore Street, Van Nuys, CA 91401-1518.

Our chapter started in 2000, and as of December 2023, we have made over 80,000 blankets,    95% of them went to critically ill children in our local hospitals.  If you personally know     of a child who is dealing with a trauma such as the death of a parent or sibling, please let us know so we may comfort the child with a Linus Blanket.

If you would like to be added to our weekly email reminder list, please respond to this email and include your full name, complete mailing address, contact telephone, your birthday (mo/day) and your favorite blanket making craft…sew, knit, crochet, or?

Thank you for embracing Project Linus, I look forward to working on this effort with YOU.

Always in stitches,

Suzann McGinnis


Project Linus serving Burbank, Glendale, San Fernando & San Gabriel Valleys, and Los Angeles


Community Loving

Our mission is to provide basic essentials to low-income families and youth in the South Bay area of Los Angeles so that they can do more than survive.

Our vision is to reclaim the South Bay area of LA by serving the Black & Brown communities that are often forgotten here and transforming it into a more autonomous & loving community that centers collective care.

We want to make sure these families are provided with safe spaces, are heard, are uplifted, and supported. We want to be a model of what COMMUNITY LOVING really looks like.

We curate community events that cater to all different groups of people that occupy the so-called “South Bay,” specifically those most vulnerable to state violence in cities like Carson, Gardena, & Inglewood.

We collect in-kind & monetary donations specifically needed for the group of people that we are serving at that event such as clothes, toiletries, & more.

We are fully powered by our community & our mutual aid network. We are as grassroots as it comes, running out of our co-founders’ garage. Behind the scenes, it is run by a team of unpaid local youth volunteers. We do not rely on the government or corporations. Everything we do comes straight from the community, to the community.

Show some loving to our communities by volunteering with us! Nothing is done alone, it takes a village. Everyone is welcome, all we ask is that you come with a positive attitude and are ready to serve! Take a look at our upcoming events and sign up today.

Contact Moréa to learn more:

Project Linus – Orange County

Project Linus provides handmade blankets to children 0-18 in the United States who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need. All blanket donations remain in the Orange County area to be distributed to various agencies/programs locally.
It is wonderful that you are mentoring these young people to help give back to the community. Many people like to make no-sew fleece blankets. All ages can make them. There are videos on YouTube demonstrating different techniques. The common type is the cut-and-tie knots on ends. Use only single-layer fleece because double-layer fleece is too hot. Use single knots on the fringe because double knots can be a choking hazard. We usually buy 1 1/2 yards of fleece per blanket.
Blankets are dropped off at the Joann stores in Orange County. If you want to drop them off at a facility, we could arrange it. I am open to your ideas.
Let me know if you have any questions or ideas. Thank you for contacting Project Linus.
Ann Jelsma
Project Linus chapter coordinator Orange County CA

Project Linus – North and Central Chicagoland

We are pleased that you are considering introducing Project Linus to prospective Bar/Bat Mitzvah students.  We have had many students incorporate Project Linus into their Mitzvah projects.  There are many ways to accomplish this.  I would be happy to talk to you about all of the possibilities.  Yes, it is a good fit and would give children the opportunity to help other children undergoing a crisis in their lives.  We are always in need of blankets to comfort children.  I have described two options of how you can become involved with Project Linus-making fleece blankets or decorating a quilt square. Collecting blanket making supplies such as yarn (no wool) and quilting cotton or fleece, to donate to our blanketeers would be a wonderful addition to the first two activities.

Please look at our website  and click on the “How to be Involved” tab on the top. Then scroll down to “Service Projects.” Scout meetings, individual classrooms or entire schools, religious schools and community service events have all participated in this wonderful project. Here is an overview of the options for making a Project Linus blanket.

                                    FLEECE BLANKETS

A popular option is to create fleece blankets. Please read and follow the attached instructions carefully. We recommend completing Steps 1 & 2 in the instructions before the event. This ensures that you are starting with a properly prepared piece of fleece.  Older children are able to properly cut fringe with very sharp scissors. Younger children are able to tie the knots on each piece of fringe. Making fleece blankets requires a lot of adult supervision.


**Purchase 1 1⁄2 yards of fleece for each blanket. Project Linus does not provide the fleece.

**The hospitals and shelters request that only ONE LAYER of fleece be used for the blankets. Double-layered fleece blankets are too warm for the children and too bulky for storage.

** Buy fleece “off the bolt.” Please do not purchase No-Sew Fleece kits. The fleece included in the kit is often too thin to be a warm and cuddly Project Linus blanket.

**Your event will go more smoothly if each piece of fleece is prepared in advance. This involves completing Steps 1 & 2 on the fleece instruction sheet. Your participants can then begin cutting and tying the fringe right away. Preparing the fleece is done by your group

**THE SELVAGE MUST BE REMOVED BEFORE BEGINNING!  The selvage can be found on the long edges of the fleece as it is rolled off of the bolt. The selvage is not found on the width of the fabric. Cutting off the selvage is the FIRST thing to do before you start to make the blanket.

To identify the selvage, look for the following things:

v  a different color or texture

v   a rolled edge

v  pin holes

v  words printed on it

If it is not removed, our blanketeers will have the task of snipping the selvage off each piece of fringe. It is much easier to remove the selvage before the fringe is cut. The fleece should also be squared.

**Tie a knot in the middle of each piece of fringe. Do not tie two pieces of fringe together. Do not tie the fringe too tightly.

**DO NOT cut a slit on the top of each piece of fringe and thread the fringe through it. These are sometimes called “Bunny Ears.”

**We cannot accept any blanket created or stored in a smoking environment.

**If there is a pet in the home, please wash and dry blanket the blanket. Check for pet hairs. Place in a plastic bag.

**Do not use fleece that has symbols of a disease/syndrome, e.g. pink ribbons for breast cancer and puzzle pieces for autism.

** BLANKET MUST LAY FLAT before donating to Project Linus. If the fringe is tied too tightly, it becomes bowl-like requiring the blanket to be re-made by Project Linus volunteers.

**Fleece blanket instructions can be found on our website under the “Blankets” tab.

     Quilt Squares

 A second option is decorating fabric squares with permanent fabric markers.  All ages can participate and little supervision is required. We have a fabric exchange program. We provide the already cut squares made from bleached muslin. You purchase the same amount of bleached muslin and wash, dry and iron it. It is now ready to exchange for the squares.  We use the uncut fabric that you purchased for the next Kids Helping Kids event. Our volunteers will create the quilts made with your squares or one of your group can create the quilt. Permanent fabric markers are used to decorate the fabric squares.  These markers are available at most craft stores. Please advise your participants to refrain from using religious pictures or messages. We want our blankets created to be acceptable to all children.  Do not attach any decorations (buttons, sparkles etc) to the squares.

Yarn Drive

A third option can be added to either of the other two activities.  Ask your participants to donate new skeins of yarn (no wool) or quilting cotton or fleece to Project Linus.


I have included a script that relates a short history of Project Linus and tells some stories of blanket recipients.  Please copy the enclosed brochure (2 per page) and distribute it to all of the participants.  It is a good way for their families to learn about Project Linus and its community service mission.

Judi Goldman


Project Linus – Palm Beach and Broward County

It is our mission to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “Blanketeers.”

We welcome everyone who would like to be a part of Project Linus. You can help by creating blankets at home, with a group of friends or while attending one of our weekly circles. We can also use donations of yarn, fabric or gift cards to keep our volunteers supplied with the means to create more blankets.

We accept (new unused) handmade blankets in sizes ranging from 36” x 36” to 40” x 60”. Bright, happy colors. We ask that the blankets be washed before being donated.  Please don’t use wool for allergy reasons. Fleece blankets should be single-layer.

Blanket and supply donations can be dropped off at our monthly meeting on the last Sunday of every month from 2:00 to 4:00 pm at Hagen Ranch Road library in Delray Beach. Please visit our website to confirm if there are any changes to the meeting schedule

Contact Rina Edelstein for more information:




Hagen Ranch Library

9:30-11:30 am on Wednesdays

contact Carol

Old Wellington Mall Food Court

corner of Forest Hill Rd and Wellington Trace

2:30-5:30 pm on Fridays

contact Paulette

ARF – Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons

We currently offer a number of volunteer opportunities for chaperoned young people on site, (including (Animal Socialization, Dog Treat Prep and Cattery Cleaning Assistant jobs) and junior fundraising opportunities offsite with our LemonARF program (you can find more information here: Chaperones must take part in a brief onsite ARF volunteer orientation, with dates available on ARF‘s volunteer information page:

Two more projects you could do are collecting needed items for the animals in our care or creating items for them to use.

Collecting can range greatly from small items such as dog chews and cat toys to towels and bedding to cat cages and raised dog beds. Email Vanessa for a list of specific items the shelter needs.

For creating, they can make cat and/or dog toys. It is easy to search for how-to guides on these, there are dozens of options to choose from.

Wigs for Kids

Wigs For Kids is a nonprofit organization that helps children experiencing hair loss stemming from chemotherapy, radiation therapy, alopecia, trichotillomania, burns, and other medical causes. Stylists and regular people just like you work together to give recipients the self-esteem and self-image they deserve.

Make a Difference by Volunteering
Our volunteer needs vary greatly, allowing for flexibility in time commitment and scheduling. Volunteer opportunities range from working within the community to working remotely in your home. Our staff team is small- which means we rely on the generous donation of time and talent to help us with special projects, office duties, and community outreach. Please fill out the volunteer form below to learn more about the many opportunities listed and how you can make a difference.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Volunteer Coordinator – Manage and recruit volunteers, 2 days a week and for special events
  • Recipient Processing – Input recipient info into database and make/answer calls to/from recipients regarding hair shipments
  • Journalist – Direct contact with recipients to conduct interview and develop story about each
  • Events – Search local events for potential speaking engagements, prepare/manage related documentation and help coordinate events
  • Hair Processing – Help sort, wrap, and box hair donations
  • General Office – Assist with general office responsibilities (phone calls, mailings, Girl Scout patches, writing personal notes, etc.)
  • Mail Sorting – Help open mail, review/place in appropriate folders for follow-up, assist with hair processing
  • Data Base Entry – Help with all data base entry, primarily with hair donor information
  • Technology – Help with social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc.), work on Wigs For Kids website and help manage issues, installation, and maintenance of new equipment