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Family Rescue Center

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  5. Family Rescue Center
22103 Vanowen Street, Canoga Park, California, United States 91303

We serve individuals and families in need in the West San Fernando Valley by providing food, clothing, vocational training assistance, and referrals as needed. Our ultimate goal is to sustain people in desperate circumstances, empowering them to achieve personal and financial independence.

Volunteer for ongoing opportunities or during specific events throughout the year. You can also choose to collect items such as children's diapers, pasta, tuna, rice, and canned vegetables. Volunteers under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Clothes Sorter - work in the clothing room to sort clothes during our office hours
  • Pantry Helper - stock pantry shelves during our office hours
  • Maintenance Worker - help with minor repairs for the office
  • Food Transporter - pickup donated food at various locations
  • Office Helper - filing and data entry during our office hours

Lisa Glenn, President

(818) 884-7587

Contact Information