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Kline Galland

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  5. Kline Galland
7500 Seward Park Ave S., Washington state, United States 98118

A living commitment, inspired by Jewish values, to provide exceptional senior care by exceptional people … every day, in every way, for every one.

Volunteers are the backbone of Kline Galland. For over a century, volunteers have enabled Kline Galland to be at the forefront of our community’s ability to enhance “quality of life” and provide greater “quality of care” for one another. Volunteer a little, volunteer a lot. Either way, making a difference is in the doing.

Volunteering at Kline Galland is rewarding and a great opportunity to match your special interests with a wide variety of opportunities. Some thought-starters for your consideration include:

  • Offer companionship by being a friendly visitor
  • Showcase your talents in music, storytelling, even baking
  • Send crafty cards or loving letters through Mitzvah Mailings
  • Pet therapy always brightens someone’s day (yours, too)
  • Support patients/families through the end-of-life journey with our Hospice Team
  • Share your tech expertise with our seniors
  • Help lead a variety of life enrichment activities at the Kline Galland Home and The Summit at First Hill

Alyssa Bobman Cohen, Director of Volunteer Services  / (206) 209-6531

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