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Our Space LA

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  5. Our Space LA
15739 Ventura Boulevard, California, United States 91436

If you or someone you know is interested in participating in Tikun Olam by helping to create spaces where a full spectrum of positive Jewish learning and social experiences are offered to people with special needs and unique abilities… then joining the volunteer support staff in one of the OurSpaceLA Shaare Tikva classes, in the Artistic Spectrum of Jewish Learning Adult Arts program on Sundays from 9:15-­‐11:30am at VBS and/or  volunteering in the OurSpaceLA B’YACHAD BET social group for teens and adults one Sunday afternoon a month, or the KOLOT TIKVA/VOICES OF HOPE CHOIR two Sundays per month, plus performances, is the place for you to be! If you are interested, we would like to meet you! Please contact Susan North Gilboa, Director of OurSpaceLA, at (818) 788-3584.

Contact Information
Phone: 818.530.4069