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Friendship Circle LA

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  5. Friendship Circle LA
1952 S Robertson Blvd, Los Angeles, California, United States 90034

At the heart of all of the Friendship Circle’s programming is the belief that each and every individual can be a productive member of the community and benefit from the social support offered by one’s peers. Friendship, acceptance and a chance to participate in socially accepted bonding opportunities are critical to achieving this type of inclusive society.
The Friendship Circle aims to provide children and teenagers with special needs and their families with many of the social and recreational opportunities that are currently available to the general community. These experiences are essential building blocks for an individual to acquire confidence and self-esteem and to ultimately lead a productive adult life.

Covid Protocols:

Social distanced events in person. Masks required.

Chaperone Presence:

Parent or guardian attends the first meeting

What will I be doing?

The Mitzvah Volunteer Program is a four week orientation program for boys and girls that teaches our volunteers how to interact with children who have special needs. Volunteers will learn about various disabilities, appropriate conduct when volunteering, the importance of giving back to the community and the huge impact they can make on others.

You can also volunteer  at or create a variety of events. Friendship Circle will work with each student to create a meaningful Mitzvah project.

Coordinator Name:

Chanie Lazaroff

Contact Information
Phone: 310.280.0955